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What is an Advanced Subscription Agreement (or an ASA)?

  • An Advanced Subscription Agreement (“ASA”) is in essence the UK's answer to a US SAFE.

    • YCombinator have a great explantion of SAFEs, what they do and a free template here.

  • An ASA allows investors to put cash into a business now which will then convert into shares at the next funding round.

  • The valuation of the company (and the shares) will be determined at the future funding round.

  • Investors are usually given a discount to the share valuation in the future round

    • N.B. they don’t have to be.

  • There is a long stop for the funding round at which point the cash invested into the business under the ASA has to convert into shares at an agreed valuation.

  • This is one of the key differences between an ASA and a convertible loan agreement ("CLA"), which allows an ASA to qualify for the UK Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) / Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) (where a CLA doesn't).

    • For a quick word on CLAs see our blog post here.

  • With a convertible loan the lender can both (1) get their money back if there is no qualifying financing round, and (2) charge interest on the loan – i.e. it operates like a debt rather than an equity investment.

  • Advantages of ASA

    • Allows you to avoid doing a priced round which:

      • saves time (requires only one document);

      • is cheaper (less professional advice needed); and

      • potentially allows you to get more cash in the door at a higher valuation down the line.

  • N.B. the long stop to qualify for EIS/SEIS is 6 months.

    • You will therefore need to include a price per share at which the ASA converts if you don’t do a further priced round within that timeframe.


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Aug 19, 2022

Fantastic - clear and concise!


Lina Wenner
Lina Wenner
Jun 30, 2022

this is super helpful, thank you!

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